To access West Wilkes Middle School's School Improvement Plan, please click the link below and use the guest username and password provided.
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Password: GuestS17639
WWMS School Improvement Team
The WWMS School Improvement Plan is written and maintained by the WWMS School Improvement Team. This team is comprised of the following members:
- Kristine Kennington, Principal
- Heather Pardue, Assistant Principal
- Kirsten McSwain, 6th Grade Teacher
- Trey Bryan, 7th Grade Teacher
- Staci Taylor, 8th Grade Teacher
- Anne Johnson, BEST Academy
- Joanne Schwab, Exploratory Teacher
- *Ashley Carlton, BEST Academy
- Tiffany Cayton, Classified Staff
- Rhiannon Adams, Curriculum Specialist
- Margo Nance, School Counselor
* Denotes Chairperson