West Wilkes Middle School

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School Handbook

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West Wilkes Middle School

Student Handbook


We HONOR diversity, take PRIDE in excellence, and seek

VICTORY through leadership.  ACCEPT THE QUEST!

Principals' Welcome


Dear WWMS families,

Welcome to West Wilkes Middle School “The Castle” home of the “Knights!” Our staff is dedicated to providing you and your child with a quality educational experience.  Please take a moment to read this handbook.  This handbook contains state, local, and school policies that are put in place in order to maximize attendance, academic achievement, quality athletics, and celebrate student, staff, and community successes. Please make yourself familiar with the information in this handbook/agenda so that we can work as a community to support your child during their time at West Wilkes Middle School.  This year there is a separate section containing school policies and procedures.  Please read,sign, tear out the signature page, and have your child return the form to their homeroom teacher stating you have read and reviewed the school handbook. 

WWMS has had great success with our PBIS program. We set our expectations high and then reinforce those expectations with our students so their focus is on academics. Your support is crucial to our mission of providing a rigorous and high quality education. We will need you as part of our team to make this happen. Your support of our school is greatly appreciated. As you can tell, we truly believe our parents are the key to their child’s success.

West Wilkes Middle School is the first middle school to receive Lighthouse Status from Franklin Covey in North Carolina.  Students and staff will continue the implementation phase of The 7 Habits.  Family Involvement continues to be our primary focus this year.  If you would like to serve on the Parent LEAD Advisory Committee please email or call Mrs. Whitley.  The Seven Habits incorporate life-long leadership skills through a process called the “LEAD.” This is an initiative based on 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey.  Students utilize the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey.  These habits include; Be Proactive; Begin with the End in Mind; Put First Things First; Think Win-Win; Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood; Synergize; and Sharpen the Saw.  I am honored to serve as the principal of West Wilkes Middle School and look forward to serving you and your child. 

As a parent, you have a tremendous impact on your child’s quest. As a school, we can provide the tools for success, yet, without your help by reinforcing expectations and staying connected with your child’s teacher, we cannot help your child to reach their fullest potential. Staff members communicate through PowerSchools, Remind 101 Accounts, CANVAS, PBIS Rewards, email, phone calls, and conferences. If you are in need of a conference, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your child’s teacher. You may access the school website at the following link - http://wwms.wilkescountyschools.org.

You can support your child’s middle school experience by attending all required Student LEAD Parent Conferences.  I encourage you to become involved at The Castle.  You are advised to meet with and attend WWMS’s PTO, WWMS’s Athletic Boosters, and school sponsored family nights or athletic events.

At West Wilkes Middle School, we are committed to HONORING diversity, taking PRIDE in excellence, and seeking VICTORY through leadership.  We hope you will join us and ACCEPT THIS QUEST!


With Knight Pride,

Mrs. Kristine Kennington, Principal

Mrs. Heather Pardue, Assisstant Principal








The campus will be open for students at 7:00 am each school day. Adult supervision of students is not provided until that time. Students must not be dropped off before 7:00 a.m.

Morning Procedures:

  1. Bus riders enter the gym side from the bus parking lot.
  2. Car riders enter the rear of the building at the concession stand entrance beside the gym.
  3. Students will begin using the front entrance for dropoff at 7:45 am.
  4. Students must go through the Universal Breakfast Line and then report directly to homeroom. Students will remain in their hallway once they have reported to homeroom.
  5. For safety purposes, horseplay is not allowed in the gym or hallway.
  6. Students are encouraged to place and secure cell phones in their lockers upon arriving on school grounds.  


Car riders are dismissed at 3:30 p.m. and should report directly to their specific car line.  Students will continue to maintain social distancing while waiting to be picked up in the carline. 

1)    Sixth and Seventh-grade students should report to the front car line. Sixth graders will have the area from the front office entrance to the flagpole. Seventh-grade car line students will wait in the area from the flagpole to the mailbox.  

2) Eighth-grade students will report to the area at the back of the school near the concession stand.

3)  Students are not to have cell phones out on car line unless given permission from an adult.

4)   Students should be picked up prior to 4:00 p.m. unless they are participating in after-school activities. Students participating in after-school activities should report directly to their designated area.


Student Fee:

Each student will incur a $15.00 student fee. This fee includes lock/locker rental, school datebook (agenda), leadership binder, and inserts. Student are expected to have their agenda for every class. If a student needs a replacement agenda the cost will be $7.00.


WWMS promotes allergy awareness by providing Allergen Free Zones.  One example is the table in the cafeteria.  This table is cleaned at the beginning and the end of each lunch by the grade level leader  in the cafeteria.  A student with allergies may sit with friends at this table. 

What is Universal Breakfast & Lunch?  All students eat free.  


All students will enter at the rear of the school at the concession stand.  There will be three breakfast kiosks set up in those areas.  All students will enter through the breakfast line.  Students are encouraged to put their unwanted, shelf-stable items in your classrooms on the classroom share table.  

Will there be students who may have eaten breakfast?  Yes – These students can put their meal on the share table.


Teachers will follow the lunch schedule.  All students can eat in the cafeteria this year.    

Keep in mind no food sales operating within the school campus that is not a part of the USDA Child Nutrition Program.  No outside restaurant food brought into the cafeteria during serving of breakfast or lunch in restaurant wrap  (this includes staff members). No carbonated beverages are allowed in the school cafeteria during the serving of lunch as well.  This is per the USDA Federal Guidelines and failure to comply could result in fines being imposed against WWMS. 

Students should only have water inside all classrooms.


Only the PowerSchool designee may check a student out from school.

1)       Early checkouts will be coded unexcused until documentation from the medical office is returned. Your help in protecting our final forty minutes of instruction is greatly appreciated.

2)       Students must be checked out through the main office.

3)      For our students’ safety, you will be required to show your ID to check out a student.                                  


When dropping off and picking up car riders, please respect the following:

1)  Always keep the safety of students and staff in mind.

2)  Cars will not be permitted in the bus parking lot, except for students with express passes (Raffled on Parent).

3)  Be respectful of the staff on duty and follow their directions. Students should exit the car as soon as it stops.  This allows us to move traffic quickly.

4)  Parents and visitors may not park or block the designated loading/unloading areas in the front of the school. Visitor parking is available in designated areas in the front of the school.


5)  Observe all signs, arrows, and cones directing the flow of traffic. NO LEFT TURNS may be made when exiting the parking lot during drop-off and pick-up.  Please respect others and follow this rule. Failure to do so may result in losing the privilege to drop your child off on campus. This is for the safety of all parties. NO LEFT TURNS should be made from the parking lot onto Hwy 16.


6)  If a parent is returning to Millers Creek, the recommended route is to make a right and take a left on McGlamery Road back to Millers Creek.


7)  Please pull forward to the designated sign at the back of the school so that we can load and unload as many vehicles as possible in the mornings. We like to load 11 and move 11.  If your child does not arrive at your vehicle when it stops, please pull forward to the mailbox and we will search for your child. This allows us to load the cars quickly and safely. Cars are not to pass on the left unless designated by a school official.


8)  For safety reasons, children are not allowed to wander through the carline when parents are waiting on dismissal.  Students must load their vehicle from the sidewalk. Parents should not park at the side of the school and pick up their child from the car line.


9)  West Wilkes Middle School is a 100% tobacco-free campus; therefore smoking/vaping is prohibited in the carline.




Our goal at WWMS is to accentuate the positive and reinforce the expected behaviors. Students will be asked to follow the “Knight Code” these are established expectations for common areas and classrooms. 

What is PBIS?

PBIS is a school-wide approach to helping all students learn to self-manage behaviors by being proactive, planning ahead, and being mindful of priorities. Positive behavior interventions and support is a system that is developed by a school for improving student behavior. It is used with all students and across all environments in the school to help the school create an effective learning environment.

PBIS consists of the following three steps:

Step 1: Identify and Teach Expected Behaviors

Step 2: Positively Reinforce and Reward Expected Behaviors

Step 3: Enforce Meaningful Consequences for Violations

Levels of School-Wide Support

Schools that use PBIS create and maintain supports to meet the needs of all students. A continuum of support is described below.

1)   Universal systems of support: Behavioral support is provided for ALL students throughout the school. These supports might include social skills instruction, positive discipline that is proactive, behavior expectations that are taught, positive reinforcement, fair and corrective discipline and parent collaboration.

2)   Small group systems of support: This level of support provides additional help for 10-15% of students who need more support. Interventions are more intensive and are for a smaller number of students. They are often provided in small groups, and include social skills groups, conflict resolution self- management programs, adult mentors and small group instruction.

3)   Targeted systems of support (focused on the individual child): Intensive, individual supports will be provided for a few students with problem behaviors. These supports are used when universal and group or classroom supports are not effective in teaching behavioral skills in all settings. About 5% of students need this more intensive level of support. It might include individual academic support, intensive social skills instruction, functional behavior assessments, behavior intervention plans, supervision and monitoring, interagency collaboration, intensive collaboration and intervention with family when appropriate.

Why use the PBIS App?


Parental involvement is important in all aspects of PBIS; we value partnership and collaboration with our families. Consistent behavior expectations across home and school setting promotes student success and focused instructional time. Also, PBIS App has a messaging option for parents and teachers to communicate with one another.  Parents are able to see students' positive points.

For more information please see the PBIS Rewards App Website


What are PBIS Rewards?

WWMS will be utilizing PBIS Rewards.  PBIS Rewards App allows students to see their account at any time and redeem for items and or privileges.  

We have four quarterly rewards. Students who participate in the quarterly reward have not received a major for the quarter, passed 3 out of 4 core classes & 2 out of 3 exploratory classes, and he/she must have no more than 3 unexcused absences.Students with 0 points for the entire year will be given an additional recognition at the end of the school year.


As always, we must address those behaviors that are not appropriate as well. Students who fail to follow the CODE will be given minors in the Educator’s Handbook. The Knight CODE and the use of  is a school-wide discipline system and for each minor the students earn will result in a consequence. There are multiple opportunities for our staff to partner with parents to improve student behavior. All actions taken are an attempt to promote positive behavior so all children can be academically successful. Students needing additional re-teaching and consequences not only prevent themselves from learning but those around them. Our goal is to provide an environment that is safe and conducive to learning at all times. Students are expected to follow WCS Policies as well as all school and classroom policies and procedures. As always, severe behavior resulting in a major/office referral will be dealt with immediately by the administration.

Discipline Action Plan Guide

Offense 1:  Re-teach the code (Verbal Warning) - The student is conferenced about the appropriate behavior based on the Knight Code. The student receives a minor in the Educator's Handbook and completes the minor reflection form.

Offense 2Student Conference and Parent Contact-The teacher will conference with the student individually. Parents will be contacted by phone on the second offense.  The student receives their second minor in the Educator's Handbook and completes the minor reflection form (after making a parent contact).

Offense 3Team Conference and silent lunch in the ISS room-  The student receives their third minor in the Educator's Handbook. The team should include the teacher who gave the third minor, the core teacher team, and the student. This meeting needs to be scheduled within 24 hours of the offense. After the conference, a teacher will email Mrs. Pardue to schedule ISS lunch. During ISS Lunch, the student will contact their parent by phone and complete the minor reflection form.


Offense 4:  Student/Parent/Administration Conference & One Day of ISS

- The student receives their fourth minor in the Educator's Handbook. The teacher will complete an Office Discipline Referral in Educator’s Handbook. The student will review minors and reflections with the school administration and make parent contact by phone. The student will receive one day in ISS.  The student may lose the privilege to attend special events, rewards, and field trips. Mrs. Kennington & Mrs. Pardue will conference with the MTSS Team and school counselor to discuss behavioral/social-emotional interventions.


Offense 5:  Student Conference & Silent lunch in the ISS room.-  The student receives their fifth minor in the Educator's Handbook. The student is conferenced on the appropriate behavior based on the Knight Code.  After the conference, a teacher will email Mrs. Pardue to schedule an ISS lunch. During ISS Lunch, the student will contact their parent by phone and complete the minor reflection form.


Offense 6Team Parent Conference- a face-to-face conference will be scheduled. The student’s discipline matrix will be reviewed. The teacher will conference with the student individually. The teacher team will discuss a face-to-face conference time and make the parent contact. The student will be informed of the conference date and complete the minor reflection form. Teachers will inform the school administration and counselor so they can attend the conference.


Offense 7: After School Detention & Parent Contact - The teacher giving the seventh minor will make parent contact by phone with the students. They will share with the parent the student is required to stay for after-school detention and be picked up promptly at 4:45 pm in the front carline for one hour. During this time the student will complete a lesson reviewing the principles of the Knight CODE, reflecting on individual behavior, and developing a personal behavior goal.  As after-school detention is needed teachers will communicate with us Mrs. Kennington & Mrs. Pardue to schedule detention. The student receives their seventh minor in the Educator's Handbook and completes the minor reflection form (after making a parent contact).

Offense 8: Student/Parent/Administration Conference & Two Days of ISS -The student will review minors with the school administration and make parent contact by phone. The student will receive two days in ISS.  The student may lose the privilege to attend special events, rewards, and field trips.  Mrs. Kennington & Mrs. Pardue will conference with the MTSS Team and school counselor to discuss behavioral/social-emotional interventions.

Offense 9 - 12: After this point,  teachers enter the minor in the Educator's Handbook. Any additional offense will result in consequences at the administrators’ discretion. 

West Wilkes Middle School Electronic Devices Policy:  

  • Electronic Devices- cell phone, blue tooth headphones, smartwatches, etc.
  • All devices are encouraged to be placed in the student’s locker unless they have permission from a staff member.
  • Time includes 7:00 am through 2nd load
  • If the phone is seen or heard the following will occur based on the number of offense 


1st offense:  

 Confiscate phone/Student warning/ Student must signout device with Mrs. H. Pardue at the end of the day

2nd offense: Confiscate phone/ Parent contact/Student warning/ Student must signout device with Mrs. H. Pardue at the end of the day.

3rd offense: Confiscate phone/ISS lunch/Parent contact with a final warning/ Student must signout device with Mrs. H. Pardue at the end of the day.

4th offense: Confiscate phone/ One Day of ISS /Parent contact/ Parent must signout/retrieve the device from  Mrs. H. Pardue/ Student may no longer be allowed to bring their device to school.

  • Additional Offenses will result in Administrative Action




Student  Communication:  Teachers will use school email, PBIS Rewards, and Canvas to communicate with their students. 


Parent Communication:  Teachers will use phone calls, PBIS Rewards App, and email to communicate with parents/guardians. Athletic may use Remind App to communicate with parents.

Please see school-wide information on our website and school Facebook page.


Good character must be taught, modeled, and parent/school partnership to lead to success. It is our goal to encourage students to make good choices, use good manners, show respect for everyone, come prepared to work and learn, and take pride in themselves and their school. Your child will learn the 7 habits through Leader In Me -LEAD Lessons and  The 7 Habits of  Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey. Parents are welcome to check out the adult version offered by Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Dress Expectations

Student dress expectations ensure that a student’s dress and appearance promote a positive learning environment, maintain a high level of self-respect, prepare students for college and career readiness, and does not disrupt the learning environment or the general operation of the school.  School administration has the responsibility to determine what is deemed acceptable  using the following guidelines:


Clothing that promotes drugs, alcohol, gang affiliation, or anything illegal to minors, and/or displays language, pictures, themes offensive to other individuals or groups and/or pose a disruption to the learning environment are not permitted.

Hats, caps, toboggans, bandannas, hoods and other headcoverings will not be worn in the classroom, unless they have been approved by the administration.

The law requires shoes to be worn at all times. 

Clothing should cover all body parts from the top of the shoulder to around mid-thigh. 

All staff members are responsible for enforcing dress expectations. 


Students who are not dressed in an acceptable manner will work together with school staff to find alternate dressing options.  Thank you for partnering with us to  uphold a positive learning environment.


From Wilkes County Schools Middle School 23-24 Handbook



GEAR UP is a federally funded college access program designed to increase the number of students who are prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondary education immediately after high school. ASU partners with Wilkes County and 10 other school districts to provide college preparation activities to 15,000 middle and high school students and parents.


All homework assigned will be used to supplement and strengthen the student’s regular class work. Students will be held responsible for turning in completed homework on the date it is due. A student has the same number of days to submit work when absent from the classroom.  Example: If a student was given an assignment on Tuesday, the due date is Wednesday.   If a student was out on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, then all assignments must be submitted no later than Monday of the following week.   Students are responsible for any work that they miss while they are absent.


We encourage all parents to join our PTO and Athletic Boosters, GEARUP Family Nights, and attend the meetings that are scheduled throughout the year.  We have a very active PTO/Athletic Booster program which helps provide valuable resources and support to our students and teachers. All parents must complete a background check when transitioning to the 6th grade or when joining the WWMS community.


When snow or other severe weather conditions occur, it will sometimes be necessary to cancel school, delay the opening of school, or dismiss classes early. The Wilkes County Schools Central Office will make an announcement of cancellations, delays, or dismissals as soon as a decision is made. Announcements will be made through the School Messenger System. In addition you may listen to a local radio or television station or check Wilkes County School’s website at http://www.wilkescountyschools.org for information. If no announcement is made, school will open or dismiss as usual. Please assist the school by keeping phone lines open for emergencies. It is important for you and your child to have a plan prior to the onset of inclement weather. Please make sure your child knows how they are getting home.

To avoid disruptions in your schedule, please remember to make plans early in the year for childcare arrangements in case snow, ice, tornado, or other severe weather closes school. Also have plans developed in case there is early dismissal due to ­­­­­­inclement weather.

 Thank you for taking time to review the policy and procedures for West Wilkes Middle School. 


The Leader in Me process was designed to help teachers develop leadership skills in their students. Helping students discover their own unique strengths allows teachers to find opportunities for every child to shine—to be a leader. Incorporating the common language of the 7 Habits into all curriculum areas deepens student understanding and acknowledges what the school and teacher believe to be important. Discussing which habits a historical figure or a character in a story use are just a few of the simple ways to incorporate the 7 Habits into what teachers are already doing. “Leadership” is the umbrella term to encompass the many character traits and basic life competencies that parents, business leaders, and educators are voicing as the desired skills necessary to thrive in the 21st century:

- Creativity and Innovation

- Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

- Communication and Collaboration

- Flexibility and Adaptability

- Initiative and Self-Direction

- Social and Cross-Cultural Skills

- Productivity and Accountability

- Leadership and Responsibility


**Leadership is a concept we don’t normally consider when thinking of children. However, children are very capable of learning leadership skills and using them at home and at school. By developing well-rounded children who know their strengths, we help them unleash their potential to lead their own lives and to influence others.

**A crucial part of this process is that it be schoolwide—everywhere, all the time (ubiquitous). In this way, students get the leadership message from everyone throughout the school day. As the children understand and use the 7 Habits, they become more motivated, organized, engaged, and will take ownership of their learning.

The 7 Habits will be part of our school with PBIS and the classroom. Here is a brief overview of the 7 Habits. For more information, please talk with your teacher, administration, or visit 



Habit 1: Be Proactive®

I am a responsible person. I take initiative. I choose my actions, attitudes, and moods. I do not blame others for my wrong actions. I do the right thing without being asked, even when no one is looking.


Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind®

I plan ahead and set goals. I do things that have meaning and make a difference. I am an important part of my classroom and contribute to my school’s mission and vision. I look for ways to be a good citizen.


Habit 3: Put First Things First®

I spend my time on things that are most important. This means I say no to things I know I should not do. I set priorities, make a schedule, and follow my plan. I am disciplined and organized.


Habit 4: Think Win-Win®

I balance courage for getting what I want with consideration for what others want. When conflicts arise, I look for a win-win solution.


Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood®

I listen to other people’s ideas and feelings. I try to see things from their viewpoint (paradigm). I listen to others without interrupting. I listen with my ears, my eyes, and my heart. I am confident in voicing my ideas.


Habit 6: Synergize®

I value other people’s strengths and learn from them. I get along well with others, even people who are different than me. I work well in groups. I seek out other people’s ideas because I know that by teaming with others, we can create better solutions than what any one of us could alone. I look for third alternatives.


 Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw®

I eat right, exercise, and get enough sleep (body). I learn in lots of ways and lots of places, not just at school (brain). I spend time with family and friends (heart). I take time to find meaningful ways to help people (soul). I balance all four parts of myself.