Wilkes County Schools Middle School Handbook 2023-2024
Welcome to a new year with Wilkes County Schools. We look forward to teaching, learning and growing with you this school year. Below is the calendar for the school year. All dates are subject to change with weather conditions that close school. The calendar is available on the WCS website under the parent tab.
Begin with the End in Mind: If we think about the future, in all of our actions, it is easy to see how cheating and dishonesty will not only prevent us from learning the material we need to be successful but could lead to permanent consequences against our academic record.
Wilkes County Schools values the hard work, self-discipline, honesty, integrity, and mutual respect of all students. This code has been established to uphold these values. Cheating, collusion, lying, and plagiarism will not be tolerated.
The following offenses constitute violations of the academic integrity code:
Cheating: Giving, taking, or presenting information or material that unethically or fraudulently aids self or others on any work to be considered in the determination of a grade or the completion of an academic requirement or the enhancement of one’s record or academic career.
Individual Cheating: To practice or attempt to practice dishonesty or deception in the taking of tests or in the preparation or submission of academic work purporting to be one’s own; to copy or attempt to copy another person’s test, paper, or other graded work in a course; to use or to provide any notes or other prepared materials that a student is not permitted to consult during a testing period or to bring those materials into the testing area with the intent to use; to submit identical or near identical papers or coursework for credit in more than one course without permission of the instructor; to steal, deface, or destroy any research materials or technology that may deprive others of their use; to obstruct or interfere with another student’s academic work; to retain, possess, or circulate previously used exams, copies of blank tests, or other assignments without the instructor’s permission.
Collusion (action taken by two or more persons together to cheat): To allow another person to copy tests, papers, or other graded course work; to provide assistance to others in the preparation of graded course work without the express consent of the instructor. Questions related to homework or other assignments should be directed to the instructor. Failing to report that another student has used your work or another’s work to commit violations of academic integrity – with or without consent.
Lying: Committing a forgery or giving a statement known to be false or dishonest, orally or in writing, for the purpose of, or having the effect of, protecting or improving one’s grades in a course, one’s academic record, or one’s academic standing.
Plagiarizing: The act of willfully copying a sentence, several sentences, or a significant part of a sentence from any source, including internet sites, that has been written by someone other than the person submitting the paper, and then neglecting to indicate that the material has been copied; also, copying from another writer by changing one or two words in the sentence, or to rearrange the order of the wording, or to paraphrase, or to summarize information and then neglect to furnish documentation. For all assignments, especially team or collaborative assignments check with the teacher to find out what level of cooperation and/or sharing is permitted.
Attempting: Attempting to participate in any act that if completed would result in loss of academic integrity. A student caught “attempting” to participate in such an act will face the same consequences as one who actually commits a violation.
Consequences for committing acts of Academic ishonesty:.
Consequences will be determined by the administration and team of teachers. Consequences may be (but are not limited to) receiving a F for the assignment, ISS, OSS, loss of membership to academic honors society, loss of field trips, removal from athletic teams, and/or other steps may be taken as deemed appropriate by the administration.
NOTE: Depending upon the severity of the violation additional consequences may be determined by the discipline committee. (i.e. Tampering with the school network/server or password protected files could result in criminal charges being filed)
Federal and state law prohibits student use of caffeinated beverages during regular lunch hours. Please do not allow your child to bring these beverages to school. According to federal law, no food or drink from other businesses is to be brought by parents, students, or staff into the cafeteria.
Wilkes County Middle Schools will participate in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for the 2023-2024 school year. CEP is a new provision under the 2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act that permits qualifying school systems to serve a free breakfast and free lunch to all students in attendance.
Every student this year will be permitted to go through the reimbursable meal line and eat both breakfast and lunch free of charge. Every student will be required to pass through the point-of-sale (cashier) for each meal, and extra items, such as a second milk, additional servings, or ala carte foods, will still require cash. The online prepay option will still be available to allow parents to budget their student's ala carte purchases and avoid the need of sending cash to school. If a family chooses to opt out of CEP the meal prices (below) will apply to the student for meal purchases. Ala Carte items cost extra.
Breakfast and lunch prices for the 2023-24 school year are as follows:
Middle School Breakfast: $ 2.00
Middle School Lunch: $ 3.25
Adult Breakfast: $ 3.25
Adult Lunch: $ 5.00
Can I use this photograph or illustration in my project?
You can use one but no more than five by the same photographer or illustrator without the permission of the creator. To use more, you need to ask permission. You must include a bibliography of any work you use.
Can I use this music in my project?
You can use up to 10% of a song or musical work in a presentation. Some guidelines say you can use no more than 30 seconds from one song. To use more, you need to ask permission. You must include a bibliography of any work you use.
Can I use this video clip in my project?
You can use (without the creator’s permission) up to 10% or up to 3 minutes (whichever is less) of copyrighted videotapes, DVDs, encyclopedias on CD-ROM, etc. To use more, you need to ask permission. You must include a bibliography of any work you use.
Can I use this text material in my project?
You can use (without the creator’s permission)
To use more, you need to ask permission. You must include a bibliography of any work you use.
You may keep your project in a portfolio forever, but you should not put it on the Web or make copies of the project without permission from the creator(s) of the material.
Adapted by Kathy Schrock from : http://www.schrockguide.net/uploads/3/9/2/2/392267/copyright_schrock_original.pdf (August 2004) Permission granted to reproduce the chart for classroom use. The chart may not be re-posted on a server or the Web.
A: 90-100
B: 80-89
C: 70-79
D: 60-69
F: 0-59 and below
North Carolina uses the Standard Course of Study and Essential Standards curriculum where students will continue to experience a different way of learning and thinking. If you would like to know more information, please click on the link on each school’s website or the county website at www.wilkes county schools.org.
FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)
Parents have the right to inspect and review education records, to seek to attend education records, and to have some control over the disclosure of information from education records. Parents should submit their request in writing to the principal. (These rights transfer to the student when the student turns 18 or attends a postsecondary institution.) Directory information (not generally considered harmful or an invasion of privacy) can be displayed by the school unless parents request it not be made public. Examples would include photographs, participation in clubs and sports. Directory information will not include student identification numbers or social security numbers.
Reference Board Policy 4700 Student Records and FERPA Act, 20 USC 1232g, h, 34 CFR pt. 99
All field trips are planned by grade level teachers and are aligned to the North Carolina Common Core and Essential Standards. Field trips are considered to be an integral part of the curriculum; however, students who have difficulty behaving at school will not be permitted to go on non-educational field trips. Students are asked to defray the costs of field trips.
Because of the time factor, possible mix-ups, and problems on the bus, the school office encourages you not to send balloons and flowers to students at school. Balloons and glass vases are not permitted on buses; therefore, students will need to transport these gifts home by car.
All homework assigned will be used to supplement and strengthen the student’s regular class work. Students will be held responsible for turning in completed homework on the date it is due. A student who has been absent from school should request homework assignments from their teachers. The student should complete the work within the number of days they were absent. Parents are asked to review listed assignments and read notes from teachers.
The instructional day is 7:45 – 3:30 and a half day of instruction is counted at 11:38 each day.
Lockers and locks are assigned to all students at our school. Students may not share lockers or combinations. All students are required to keep the lock secured at all times. STUDENTS MAY NOT BRING THEIR OWN LOCKS FROM HOME. If a lock is lost, the cost for replacement lock will be $7.00. Students are expected to store book bags, personal items, and extra books in their lockers. BOOK BAGS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE CLASSROOMS due to safety hazards. The principal or designee reserves the right to open and search lockers at any time, and the contents of the locker may be retained by school officials or law enforcement officials. Each student is responsible for his or her locker. Stickers and permanent markings are not allowed on the inside or outside of the lockers.
Students who lose articles at school should check the “lost and found” area to see if these items have been turned in. Students who find articles should turn them in to their teacher or to the main office. We suggest that items of clothing, such as gym shorts, coats, etc. should have the student’s name in them. Lost and found items which are not claimed in a reasonable period of time will be donated to charity.
Due to inclement weather, make-up days will be determined by the county office and announced on the WCS website.
Wilkes County Schools uses internal and external media to highlight the K-12 experience in a variety of ways, which may include the use of photographs and videos of students. For example, student images may be published or displayed in printed materials (such as brochures and newsletters), videos, social media sites, school websites, and information about school events and activities provided to external organizations (such as PTA or booster clubs) or media outlets (such as the local newspaper). The reasons for these releases include recognitions such as academic awards, athletic or sports team participation, special projects and competitions, etc. Parents who wish to change these permissions must contact the school in writing.
PLEASE NOTE: This does not apply to the school yearbook. Please contact the school for yearbook concerns
In order to be proactive, WCS has adopted the I Love You Guys Foundation’s (https://iloveuguys.org/) standard response protocols which include: hold, secure, lockdown, evacuate, and shelter. If there is a true emergency, parents/guardians will be contacted by WCS Central Services. Please ensure that all contact information is updated in PowerSchool by contacting your school office. Student safety is the primary concern of Wilkes County Schools, therefore the use of these protocols may be necessary while potential threats are investigated. The implementation of any safety protocol should not be seen as an indication that students are unsafe, rather the school is taking action, based upon information received, to ensure that students remain safe.
Information about the standard safety protocols is included at the end of this document.
In compliance with federal laws, Wilkes County Schools administers all locally operated educational programs, employment activities and admissions without discrimination because of race, religion, national or ethnic origin, color, age, marital status, pregnancy, military service, disability, or gender, except where exception is appropriate and allowed by law.
Questions or concerns about nondiscrimination should be directed to:
Dr.Westley Wood- Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
The Wilkes County School System is committed by philosophy and School Board Policy to have regularly scheduled conferences. Conferences are encouraged throughout the year, but will be held a minimum of twice yearly, during the first and third nine-week grading periods. Regularly scheduled conferences should be conducted in a positive manner. Middle school students should be aware of what will be discussed in the conference, what is expected of them, and should be included in the conference. Conferences must be scheduled during the teacher planning period, before or after school.
We are pleased to have guests at our school, particularly parents who wish to visit the school for sincere educational purposes. We ask that all visitors report to the main office and secure a badge upon arrival. Unauthorized visitors are not allowed on campus during school hours and are not permitted to attend classes with friends or relatives. Student visitors will not be permitted on the hallways or in the cafeteria during the regular school day.
Immediate family and grandparents will be allowed to eat with students during their scheduled lunch time. Food from outside is not allowed due to USDA guidelines.
In order to prevent classroom disruptions, students will not be called out of class to be given forgotten items. Any item that needs to be given to a student may be left with the office staff and your child will be called to the office at an appropriate time. Thank you in advance for protecting valuable instructional time.
Putting First Things First: Attendance is linked to academic achievement. We cannot become academically successful when we are not in school.
Wilkes County Middle Schools place a high priority on attendance. If students are not at school, they cannot learn. Research shows excessive absences drastically interfere with the learning process of all students.
*Parents are encouraged to monitor student attendance through the Parent Portal in PowerSchool. Consult the school data manager if you need assistance.
The Board of Education believes there is no substitute for the uninterrupted personal contact between students and teachers in the classroom environment where learning experiences are carefully planned by the teachers. Classroom attendance and participation is an integral part of the school experience. Regular attendance also develops patterns of behavior essential to success in later life, both personal and business. Even though students may make up work missed because of absences, they may never be able to replace the educational, cultural and social contacts they would have experienced through face to face instruction and class participation. Accordingly, the Wilkes County Board of Education expects each student to attend every class.
This policy contains the following three distinct provisions:
Attendance -To be considered in attendance, a student must be present in the school for at least one-half of the school day or at a place other than the school with the approval of the principal to attend an authorized school activity (school related absence).
Excused absences - The Wilkes County Board of Education shall excuse the temporary absence of a student upon showing of satisfactory evidence of one of the following bases:
INVOLUNTARY SUSPENSIONS - The absence of a student which results from suspension, out of school, for misconduct pursuant to the provisions of N.C.G.S. 115C-391, shall not be considered an unexcused absence for the purposes of the Compulsory Attendance Law. However, such an absence shall be treated as an unexcused absence for purposes of makeup work time and co-curricular activity eligibility. Middle School (6-8) students may be required to attend Alternative Learning Program (ALP) in order to be considered for promotion.
SCHOOL RELATED ABSENCES - The Wilkes County Board of Education shall excuse the temporary absence of a student from school when that student is at a place other than the school with the approval of the principal to attend an authorized school activity.
It is the intention of the Wilkes County Board of Education that classes missed for authorized school activities as outlined above are kept to an absolute minimum through close scrutiny of the principal. School related activities shall not be counted or coded as absences from either class or school. However, students shall follow the same procedure for makeup work as they do for other excused absences.
TARDY - Excessive tardiness may result in a meeting with administration and the school social worker.
NOTIFICATION OF EXCESSIVE ABSENCES - The laws require that the school notify parents of excessive unexcused absences under the conditions that follow. It is the responsibility of the parent(s)/guardian(s) to update the school with a current mailing address at all times.
Excused absences - A note is required for each excused absence within three (3) days of returning to school. When a child accumulates 8 or more absences, the principal will determine if the parent(s) or guardian(s) will be required to attend a school-based attendance meeting to develop a plan to improve attendance. A doctor’s note may be required for future absences to be considered excused.
Unexcused absences - For every unexcused absence, the student shall immediately meet with each teacher of every class missed and shall make up all work to the satisfaction of the teacher of the class missed. A note is required for every absence within three (3) days of returning to school.
LOSS OF OPPORTUNITY TO BE PROMOTED TO THE NEXT GRADE - Irrespective of how absences are coded, if the parent(s) or guardian(s) of a student in grades K-8 who does not comply with the requirement of attending a school-based attendance meeting, committee/principal requirements, and the student does not comply with the requirement of completing the makeup work to the satisfaction of the teacher as above outlined, the student may not be promoted, pending appeal as described herein below.
APPEAL PROCESS - Any student who is denied the opportunity to be promoted to the next grade due to inadequate attendance as provided for herein, shall have a right to appeal to the school’s attendance committee. The procedure for appeal shall be as follows:
EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN - Those students identified and classified as Exceptional Children who appeal loss of opportunity to be promoted to the next grade for failure to comply with this Policy shall first have their appeal data reviewed by their school’s Exceptional Children’s School Based Committee.
ADDENDUM - The principal will have the option to require a doctor's excuse when a student has had excessive absences. Doctor notes will be accepted at the Principal’s discretion.
Legal References: G.S. 115C-378, 380, 391; 16 NCAC 6D .0103
Cross References: Curriculum Development (policy 3100), Graduation Requirements (policy 3460)
Adopted: August 9, 1993
Revised: July, 1994
Revised: May 17, 2004, May 7, 2007, January 7, 2008, June 4, 2012
When a student arrives on the school grounds, he/she should report immediately to their designated area. When reporting to school late, the student and parent must go to the office to check in. Once a student has arrived on the school campus, he/she may not leave the grounds without parental permission and permission from the principal or assistant principal.
Parents/legal guardians checking students out early must do so at the main office. School staff will assist parents/legal guardians in signing students out of school. Written permission is necessary for anyone other than those designated to check out the student in Powerschool. A photo I.D. may be required.
Students are expected to make every effort to schedule doctor and dentist appointments outside of school hours. However, when this is not possible, students will be excused for these special appointments by returning with a note. Please stagger the times of recurring appointments so that students do not miss the same class all of the time.
If you become ill or injured at school inform your teacher who may send you to the office. The office staff will call parents if the illness or an injury requires treatment or if we feel the student should go home.
Being Proactive: We must keep a “can do” attitude in regards to our actions. We must be proactive in self-regulating our behaviors so that we can be successful and reach the goals that we set for ourselves.
Most students know when tension is building between themselves and another student. These students have ample time to get help from supervising adults or from peer mediation in resolving conflicts. Students in our school are rarely in a situation where there is not an adult present, or nearby, to assist them. In reality, many students resolve their own conflicts. However, students are advised from the first day of school and from the information in this handbook that it is imperative for their safety and security to get assistance when incidents may occur. Students must follow the suggestions of the adult counseling them and this usually results in a positive outcome. Students are responsible for their behavior at all times. Fighting back is not self-defense and students will be punished for fighting with a suspension as well as potential legal action.
Once a student enters the school, cell phones/smartwatches may not be out for any reason unless given permission by an adult. Students may not use cell phones/smartwatches after school until given permission by staff members on duty. It is highly recommended that cell phones/smartwatches be placed in a student’s locker and turned off during the school day to avoid a violation of the school board policy. This is in accordance with Board Policy Code 4304 and is printed on page 14 of this handbook.
Please help us by making sure that you communicate this policy with your child. We would also ask that you refrain from texting your child during the school day as a means to communicate. We can provide messages to students at an appropriate time each day.
We will not make exceptions to this rule - this policy is non-negotiable for the fair treatment of all students.
The Wilkes County Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to provide each student an equal opportunity to receive an education and to provide an atmosphere within its schools which is conducive to learning and which protects student freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. In order to meet these obligations, the Board of Education adopts this statement of policy concerning students’ rights and responsibilities. It is important that everyone associated with the Wilkes County Schools understands the rules of student conduct, respects these student rights, and utilizes these due process procedures for student discipline to enhance the quality of education in the Wilkes County Schools.
It is the policy of the Wilkes County Schools to utilize all possible alternatives to out-of-school suspension and expulsion. A school counselor will be available on a referral basis for counseling with students that are having discipline problems. All instances of out-of-school suspension and expulsion shall be documented and the report submitted to the superintendent.
Offenses which endanger the health, life and physical well-being of students and staff and which may result in out-of-school or other disciplinary actions are the following:
Student dress expectations ensure that a student’s dress and appearance promote a positive learning environment, maintain a high level of self-respect, prepare students for college and career readiness, and does not disrupt the learning environment or the general operation of the school. School administration has the responsibility to determine what is deemed acceptable using the following guidelines:
Students who are not dressed in an acceptable manner will work together with school staff to find alternate dressing options. Thank you for partnering with us to uphold a positive learning environment.
Wilkes County Middle Schools will follow the anti-bullying plan outlined on each school website and the Wilkes County Board Policy for HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION, BULLYING AND DISCRIMINATION Policy Code: 4021/7230.
Middle school students will be provided laptops as part of their educational experience. Laptops are considered school property on loan to our students. The expectation is that students will treat them with care and use them appropriately as instructed by their teachers.
The following list is provided to help our students understand the ramifications of their actions as they use school technology, as well as informing parents of the actions that may be taken by school personnel:
Disciplinary Action : Disciplinary action will be taken if a student fails to comply with any policy or procedure in this document.
Consequences may also include financial compensation for damages, abuse, neglect, or loss. If the Chromebook is lost or damaged beyond repair, the current market value of a new replacement device will be charged.
School administration will have authority to decide appropriate consequences regarding noncompliance.
Thank you for your continued support of our school. We promote a safe environment for learning. Caring for laptops and using them acceptably help us with our mission.
All offenses will be discussed based on the severity of the offense and disciplinary actions are subject to change by administrative discretion.
Do not bring large sums of money or valuable items such as jewelry to school. Every effort will be made to teach honesty and protect your property. The school will not be responsible for any lost or stolen items and will not make efforts to recover these items. Be especially careful not to take any valuables or money into the gym/locker rooms. These include but are not limited to cell phones; gaming devices; etc.
The following items are not permitted at school:
Policy Code 4304
Policy Code 7251
The Wilkes County Board of Education recognizes the use of tobacco products is a health, safety, and environmental hazard for students, employees, visitors, and school facilities. The Board believes that the use of tobacco products on school grounds, in school buildings and facilities, on school property or at school-related or school sponsored events is harmful to the health and safety of students, staff, and visitors. The Board acknowledges that adult employees and visitors serve as role models for students. The Board recognizes that it has a responsibility to promote positive role models in schools and promote a healthy learning and working environment, free from unwanted smoke and tobacco use for the students, employees, and visitors on the school campus. Finally the Board recognizes that it has a legal authority and obligation pursuant to G.S. 115C-407 Policy Prohibiting Tobacco Use in School Buildings as well as the federal Pro-Children’s Act, Title X of Public Law 103-227 and the No Child Left Behind Act.
Tobacco Use Prohibited - No students, staff members, or school visitors may be permitted to use tobacco products or electronic cigarettes of any kind on school property at any time. This will include athletic fields and parking lots owned, leased, rented, or chartered by the Wilkes County Board of Education. This will also include any school-sponsored or school-related event on campus or off campus in view of the general public or any or all persons of student age.
In addition, school district employees, school volunteers, or other persons performing services on behalf of the school district are also prohibited from using tobacco products at any time while on duty either on or off school grounds in the presence of students.
Further, no student is permitted to possess a tobacco product while in any school building, while on school grounds or property or at any school-sponsored or school-related event or at any other time that students are under the authority of school personnel.
Tobacco products may be included in instructional or research activities in public school buildings if the activity is conducted or supervised by the faculty member overseeing the instruction or research and the activity does not include smoking, chewing, or otherwise ingesting the tobacco product.
Definition Of Tobacco Products, Tobacco Use, And Electronic Cigarette - For the purposes of this policy, “tobacco product” is defined to include cigarettes, cigars, blunts, bidis, pipes, chewing tobacco, snuff and any other items containing tobacco. “Tobacco use” includes smoking, chewing, dipping, or any other use of tobacco products. An electronic cigarette is defined as a cigarette shaped device containing nicotine-based liquid that is vaporized and inhaled, used to simulate the experience of smoking tobacco.
Signage - Signs will be posted in a manner and location that adequately notify students, staff, and visitors of/about the tobacco-free schools policy.
Enforcement For Students - Consequences for engaging in the prohibited behavior will be provided in accordance with the school’s student behavior management plan. Students who violate the school district’s tobacco use policy will be referred to the counselor, an in-school cessation program provided or other health or counseling services for all offenses for health information, counseling, and referral. The administration will consult with appropriate health organizations in order to provide student violators with access to up-to-date information on the consequences of tobacco use, offer techniques that students can use to stop tobacco use at school, and provide referrals to local youth tobacco cessation programs. Parents/guardians will be notified of all violations and actions taken by the school. The school may also use community service as part of the consequences.
Enforcement For Staff - Staff will be notified of all consequences relating to the violation of the tobacco-free schools policy. Consequences for employees who violate the tobacco use policy will be in accordance with personnel policies and may include verbal warning and written reprimands. Consequences will be consistent throughout the Wilkes County School System.
Enforcement For Visitors - Visitors using tobacco products will be asked to follow school policy.
Opportunities For Cessation - The administration will consult with the health department or other appropriate health organizations to provide students and employees with information and access to support systems, programs, and services to encourage them to abstain from the use of tobacco products.
Prevention Education - The administration will consult with appropriate health organizations to identify and provide programs or opportunities for students to gain a greater understanding of the health hazards of tobacco use and the impact of tobacco use as it relates to providing a safe, orderly, clean, and inviting school environment. The administration will insure, per G.S. 115C-81.a3.11, that the State Mandated Curriculum for grades K- 9 will be taught using sequential, age appropriate, current, accurate, evidenced-based curricula and a skills-based approach (involving students in active “hands on” learning experiences).
Procedures For Implementation - The administration will develop a plan for communicating this policy which will include information in student and employee handbooks, announcements at school-sponsored or school-related events, and appropriate signage in buildings and around campus. Enforcement procedures, which identify consequences for students, staff and visitors who violate the policy, will be communicated to all students, staff, and parents.
Legal References: P.L. 103-227; 20 U.S.C. 6081-6084; Pro-Children Act of 1994; G.S. 115C- 407(18)
Adopted: March 6, 2006
Revised: April 4, 2011, December 2, 2013
Synergize: Participation in middle school sports and after-school programs have dramatic benefits for physical, social emotional and academic growth. The long term benefits can be profound for students long into their adulthood. This means that participation in such programs can positively affect multiple areas of our lives.
*In order to follow guidelines presented by the State board of Education and other health agencies, some sports could be impacted this school year.
All students trying out for any interscholastic athletic activity or cheerleading must have a valid physical examination prior to trying out, and meet eligibility standards. All students are encouraged to participate in school athletic events by attending the activities. An admission fee will be charged. g
Good sportsmanship is expected of all players, coaches and spectators. Failure to comply with these expectations will result in the loss of participation and/or attendance at athletic events.
Eligibility for Sports:
Please refer to the Student Athletic Handbook for a more comprehensive policy manual.
No athletics will be held during EOG week. Additional restrictions may be set by each individual school.
Boys’ and Girls’ Soccer
Girls’ Volleyball
Boys’ and Girls’ Coed Golf
Boys’ and Girls’ Basketball
Girls’ Softball
Boys’ Baseball
Boys’ and Girls’ Track
We are excited to offer after-school opportunities to our students (e.g. dances, athletic events, clubs, etc…).
All school expectations apply to after school activities. Students must be picked up promptly after any activity.
Sharpen the Saw: It is important to strike a balance between our physical, social/emotional, and mental health.
In case of an accident at school, our first priority will be the well-being of the student. Parents or legal guardians will be notified as soon as possible. Please remember to keep your contact information up to date in case of emergencies. This will expedite matters should an accident occur. Staff will report all accidents to the office and complete proper incident forms.
The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) requires educational agencies to inform employees, parents and students regarding certain asbestos related activities. These include the availability of management plans, re-inspections, periodic surveillance and response actions.
The AHERA Management plan is available for public inspection at each school office, central services administrative office and the maintenance office.
Total re-inspections are conducted every three years and periodic surveillance is conducted every six months. All response actions needed to maintain or control asbestos containing materials are carried out by the state accredited personnel or properly trained maintenance personnel.
Policy Code 4270/6140
The Wilkes County Board of Education recognizes that concussions and other head injuries may be serious and potentially life threatening and such injuries may result in serious consequences later in life if managed improperly. The Board of Education is committed to practices that reduce the potential for short-term or long-term effects from such injuries.
In support of this commitment, the Board of Education directs school employees to comply with the concussion safety requirements for interscholastic athletic competition established by G.S. 115C- 12(23) as amended in the Gfeller-Waller Concussion Awareness Act of 2011, and to implement and follow all concussion safety requirements set forth in State Board of Education rules and policies. The superintendent or designee shall develop a plan consistent with state requirements and shall implement and monitor compliance with this policy. The superintendent is authorized to investigate the use of baseline testing for student-athletes and require that student-athletes undergo such testing prior to their participation in any interscholastic athletic competition.
Definition Of Concussion - A concussion is a traumatic brain injury caused by a direct or indirect impact to the head that results in disruption of normal brain function, which may or may not result in a loss of consciousness.
Removal From And Return To Play - Any student-athlete who is exhibiting signs or symptoms consistent with a concussion must be removed from athletic activity immediately. Further, the student-athlete must not be allowed to return to play or practice that day or on any subsequent day until he or she has been evaluated and has received written clearance for participation that complies with the requirements of G.S. 115C-12(23) and any other applicable law or State Board of Education policy.
Return To Learning - The superintendent or designee shall develop a plan that meets all the requirements of the State Board of Education for addressing the needs of students in grades pre-K through 12 who suffer concussions. The superintendent or designee shall also arrange for information and professional development to be provided annually to all teachers and other school personnel on return-to-learn issues and other concerns related to concussion and brain injuries. Parents and students must be offered the opportunity annually to provide information related to any head injury or concussion the student may have incurred during the past year on the health history and emergency medical information update form.
*For the entire policy, visit https://www.wilkescountyschools.org/
Counseling services are available for every student in the school. These services include assistance with educational planning, interpretation of test scores, occupational information, career information, study helps, help with home, school, and/or social concerns, or any issue the student may feel he/she would like to discuss with the counselor. Students, teachers, or parents may make a referral to the school counselor. Students must have a written note from a teacher to see the counselor. Students should not come to the office to see the counselor without an appointment or having the teacher confirm the school counselor’s availability.
All students must participate in Healthful Living Education classes in grades Kindergarten through 9th grade (G.S.115C-81[e]). The nature of Health Education often includes the discussion of sensitive topics. In these situations, health teachers, school nurses, and school counselors are trained for appropriate and accurate content as well as proper teaching methods.
A parent may request that his/her child be excluded from certain health topics due to religious/personal beliefs by contacting the school principal in writing. These students will be given an alternative health assignment during that time.
The health of your child is important to you and to Wilkes County Schools. Throughout the school year, screening programs are organized to identify health needs. The screenings are performed by nurses, speech language pathologists, dental hygienists, volunteers and other trained school personnel. This is a valuable health service to our students. Parents are notified in writing when any health problem appears to need further evaluation by medical doctors, dentists, eye doctors or other health care providers. This referral form needs to be returned to the school after medical treatment is received. Screenings may include the following areas:
Any parent/legal guardian who does not wish to have his/her child participate in this screening program should notify the school principal in writing at the beginning of the school year.
Any student who is ill should immediately tell his/her teacher. The teacher will determine whether the student needs to go to the office. If the student reports to the office with a pass, school personnel will make arrangements to have the child picked up by parents/legal guardians or will send the student back to class as soon as his/her situation has been taken care of.
State law requires that up-to-date immunization records MUST be on file in the school office within 30 days of entering/enrolling in the school. Students entering 7th grade must have the Tdap and Meningococcal Conjugate vaccinations within the first 30 calendar days from the first day of school.
Student confidentiality is important. What students share with the counseling office will remain between the student and the counselor with the following exceptions, as required by law and/or ethical standards:
If there is ever a need to reveal information, school employees will let students know in advance, and work to handle the situation in a way that respects student feelings and needs. Signing the student handbook indicates that one understands the counseling department’s confidentiality guidelines and exceptions.
If your child needs medication of any type, including over-the-counter medicine, given during school hours, you have a few choices:
REMINDER: The only way any school official can give medication at school is: 1) with a school medication form filled out and signed by your doctor, 2) with written permission from you, and 3) with medication in an original container.
The school nurse’s office is located in the main office of the school. The nurse is responsible for the maintenance of health records, routine health checks, parental contact concerning health problems, care of minor injuries, and assistance in health teaching and vision screening. Please be sure to contact the nurse if your child has any unusual health concerns. Please call the school nurse if your child is absent from school due to a communicable disease. Precautions may be taken to protect other children.
Membership in a group accident insurance program will be made available to students each year. In arranging for this insurance, the Wilkes County Board of Education will make every reasonable attempt to identify a company offering comprehensive insurance at economical rates. Information on the plan will be made available through the schools.
Purchase of this insurance will constitute an agreement between the student and/or parent and the insurance company, not with the school district. The school district does not assume any contractual responsibility for expenses not covered by insurance.
The School Children’s Health Act requires all North Carolina school districts to notify parents and guardians of pesticides that they expect will be applied during the upcoming year. We want to notify you that the following pesticides could be used at your child’s school this year.
Name of Pesticide Product Active Ingredient(s)
DuPont Advion Ant Gel Indoxacarb (S-Enantiomer)
Prescrip. Treatment Cy-Kick CS Cyfluthrin
Talstar Professional Insecticide Bifenthrin
MaxForce Roach Bait Gel Fipronil
Contrac All Weather Blox Bromadiolone
Alpine WSG Dinotefuran
PT Alpine F & BB Dinotefuran
CB-80 Pyrethrins
Taurus S-C Fipronil
Wilkes County Schools has implemented an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program. This can help reduce or even eliminate the risks of pesticides by using simple, low-cost methods. With proper training, planning and effective communication among affected parties, IPM can prevent pest problems, reduce the need for pesticide application and greatly improve the quality of the school environment.
If you have any questions, please contact Bergie Speaks, Maintenance Director, at (336) 667-2021.
School bus safety is our first priority. The following expectations are for the protection of all students who ride a bus. Riding a bus is not a right but a privilege; therefore, it is important that these expectations are followed. Please read the following guidelines carefully so that you and your child will know what is expected.
Boarding the Bus
Exiting the Bus
The following procedures will be used to deal with students who violate the school bus rules:
1st offense - Driver talks with student and documents the problem.
2nd offense – School administration notifies and conferences with the parents regarding the problem using a bus discipline form.
3rd offense - Driver refers student to the school administrator for appropriate disciplinary action.
All other offenses are to be reported directly to the school administrator. Therefore, students who pose a safety risk to those riding a bus can and will be removed permanently for repeated or dangerous behavior.
*No student will be allowed to board a bus without all forms having been signed by the parent and returned to the driver. Students who live outside of the district must provide their own transportation. However, if the student has immediate family living in the school district and there is room on the appropriate bus, we will allow them to ride a bus to that location.
Throwing items, hitting/fighting, and gross insubordination to the driver will result in an immediate suspension from riding a bus. Safe transportation of students is a serious matter and parents are expected to know, cooperate, and communicate with their child’s bus driver.
Students are not to ride a bus other than their assigned bus or get off at any stop other than their designated stop without the written permission from the parent/guardian.
Students who go home with each other must have written permission from both households. This will only be allowed at the administration’s discretion in order to maintain student safety. Please check with the school before assuming your child may ride home on a bus. Students will not be allowed to call home once school is in session to make arrangements. This should be completed prior to your child arriving at school that day. This is to protect your child and our bus drivers.
Students are not allowed to ride the bus home with other students during the first two weeks of school.
Wilkes County Middle School Handbook Created 2016
Revised 2017; Revised 2018; Revised 2019; Revised 2020;Revised 2021;Revised 2022; Revised 2023
“You are your child’s first and most influential teacher by laying the foundation for the education of their mind, heart, body, and spirit. No matter what is going on at school you can help your child discover the leader within themselves and prepare for a future of contribution and service.”
©2018 Franklin Covey Co. All Rights Reserved.
Non-Discrimination Statement Public Notice
In compliance with federal laws, Wilkes County Schools administers all locally operated
educational programs, employment activities and admissions without discrimination because of race, religion, national or ethnic origin, color, age, marital status, pregnancy, military service, disability, or gender as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972. The district provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups, except where exemption is appropriate and allowed by law. Inquiries about the application of Title IX and its implementing federal regulations may be referred to the Title IX Coordinator and/or the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights in the Office for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Education. Questions or concerns should be directed to:
Dr. Westley Wood, Assistant Superintendent: Title II
Ms. Jennifer Blankenship, Director of Exceptional Children: ADA
Dr. Joe Bullis, Director of Federal Programs: Title 1, ESL/Title III, CTE
Mr. David Johnson, Director of Secondary Education/School Safety/Athletics: Title IX
Dr. Dion Stocks, Director of Testing & Accountability/Cultural Arts: Section 504/MTSS
Wilkes County Schools
613 Cherry Street
North Wilkesboro, NC 28659
Phone: (336) 667-1121
Annual Testing Notifcation
August 2023
Dear Parent or Guardian,
This letter is intended to inform you that your student will take districtwide and state-mandated tests this school year as reflected online at www.wilkescountyschools.org. You will find a general testing calendar on the Accountability page of Wilkes County Schools website.
Per 16 N.C. Admin Code 06D .0307–Test Administration in Public Schools, “(g) LEAs shall, at the beginning of each school year, provide information to students and parents or guardians advising them of the districtwide and State-mandated tests that students will be required to take during that school year. In addition, LEAs shall advise students and parents or guardians of the dates the tests will be administered and how the results from the tests will be used. Also, information provided to parents shall include whether the State Board of Education or the local board of education requires the test(s). (h) LEAs shall report
scores resulting from the administration of State mandated tests from the Annual Testing Program to students and parents or guardians no later than 30 days after the test is administered and along with available score interpretation information within 30 days from receipt of the scores and interpretive documentation.”
N.C. Admin. Code 06G .0315 requires all public-school students in membership (i.e., enrolled in a school) in grades 3 through 8 and high school courses requiring an end-of-course assessment, to participate in the Annual Testing Program. North Carolina does not allow any student to opt out of required state testing. The only exceptions granted are for a limited number of students who meet certain eligibility requirements or have extenuating circumstances primarily related to a significant medical emergency or condition and are unable to participate in a specific test administration.
N.C. Admin Code 06D .0309 requires schools to use end-of-course (EOC) tests as “at least twenty percent (20%) of the student’s final grade.” As such, a student’s grade for these courses and overall grade-point- average calculation may be negatively impacted by not taking the required EOC state tests. Wilkes County Schools also includes EOG scores for grades 6-8 as 20% of the final average as well.
Please feel free to contact your child’s school or Wilkes County Schools Accountability Department for more information.